Use this guide when installing Pylontech batteries. Click here for FAQ's and troubleshooting
1. Wiring
Always use all the cables included in the SkyBox. Both pairs
One Battery
Multiple Batteries
2. Communication Cabling
The incoming cable will plug into the bottom battery, referred to as the MASTER.
Plug this into CAN/A
Link the remaining batteries from LINKPORT 1 > LINKPORT 0
3. Start-Up Procedure
Turn the ON/OFF button to ON on all batteries
Hold the red SW button for 2 seconds on the MASTER battery, or until it turns on. IMPORTANT - now watch each battery, they should all turn on sequentially following the LINK1>0 cabling.
If all batteries turn on, the batteries are configured correctly and you can now turn on the DC breakers (US5000) on each battery and the main DC Breaker
4. Resetting a Pylontech Battery
If Pylontech batteries are already on and need to be reset, turn all modules switch to OFF, wait until all the lights are off, and then go back to step 3
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