The generator safety switch keeps tripping.
Possible Cause 1.
If a generator is equipped with a safety switch and the MEN (Main Earth-Nuetral) link has not been disconnected, the safety switch will trip once the Victron interacts with it. This occurs because a MEN link is already present in the SkyBox, and an installation can only contain one MEN link.
Solution: Remove the MEN link from the generator - this must be done by a qualified electrician, and once removed, the generator should not be used for other purposes until it is reinstalled.
Possible Cause 2.
The SkyBox is overloading the generator; this is more unlikely than solution one, but it is possible if the generator is small.
Solution: Lower the input current limit via the Victron settings screen
My generator isn't starting automatically.
Generator Checks:
- Is the generator set to AUTO
- Is the generator 2-wire auto start cable connected correctly
- Does the gen start manually
If all of the above is correct, check the inverter settings
Victron > Remote Console > Settings > Generator Start/Stop
- Auto-Start functionality > ON
- Settings > Conditions > SOC > Enabled
Safety switch keeps tripping
Questions to ask:
- Does the generator trip if plugged into something other than the SkyBox?
- Yes: Issue is with the gen
- No: Q2
- Does the gen trip if all SkyBox circuit breakers are in the OFF position
- Yes: The issue will be in the writing connecting the gen to the SkyBox
- No: Starting with the GEN Main Switch, start turning breakers on
- Gen tripped with GEN Main Switch > Site Visit Required
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